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The Icon component can used to add Expo Icons to your app and customize them using style props.


import { Icon } from "pearl-ui";


<Icon iconFamily="AntDesign" iconName="stepforward" />

Icon sizes#

Use the size prop to change the size of icon. You can set the value to the keys available in theme.components.Icon["sizes"], which are "s", "m", "l", and "xl" in the default theme.

// size="l" refers to the value of `theme.components.Icon["sizes"]["l"]`<Icon iconFamily="AntDesign" iconName="stepforward" size="l" />

Override Style#

The Icon component also supports a variety of style props which can be used to override the pre-defined variant style in the theme. Manual style props passed into the component have a higher precedance than the default component style.

// passing style prop color="primary.500" overrides the default component style value of color="neutral.900"<Icon  iconFamily="AntDesign"  iconName="stepforward"  size="l"  color="primary.500"  margin="xl"/>



  • Icon has the role of text.
  • Icon has the default label set as {iconName} Icon. A custom label can be specified using the accessibilityLabel prop.


Supported style props#

The Icon component supports the following style props:

Additional props#

iconFamilytrue "AntDesign" | "Entypo" | "EvilIcons" | "Feather" | "FontAwesome" | "FontAwesome5" | "Fontisto" | "Foundation" | "Ionicons" | "MaterialCommunityIcons" | "MaterialIcons" | "Octicons" | "SimpleLineIcons" | "Zocial"Icon family that contains the icon you want to use
iconNametruestringName of the icon as given in it's respective icon family
sizefalsePearlTheme.components.Icon["sizes"]"m"The size of the icon
variantfalsePearlTheme.components.Icon["variants"]The variant of the icon
accessibilityLabelfalsestringThe accessibility label of the icon

Default Component Style#

export default {  baseStyle: {    color: {      light: "neutral.900",      dark: "neutral.50",    },  },  sizes: {    s: {      size: 10,    },    m: {      size: 15,    },    l: {      size: 20,    },    xl: {      size: 30,    },  },  defaults: {    size: "m",  },};